In 2010 Deborah Underwood and Renata Liwska published The Quiet Book which describes all the things that are quiet...such as(these are some of my favorites)...
Right before you yell "SURPRISE!" quiet.
First snowfall quiet.
First one awake quiet.
Now I will admit I read this book when it first came out and loved the illustrations but did not give it much thought....until I have read it again, and again, AND AGAIN! And it all makes so much more sense. I love the snowfall one as that is one thing I do love about Ohio winter. Well, actually take the last two from above. I am usually the first one up, in our whole neighborhood (I get up at 4:30 am) and especially on those winter mornings when there is snow on the ground and it is so light outside because of the reflection - you can HEAR the quiet.

And now, for the opposite!! We have had tons of fun with this...the NOW 3 year old and I have been reading it this week and he cracks up at some of the examples....and argues about some of the LOUD examples!
Some of my favorites:
Candy wrapper loud (picture is in a movie theater)
Spilling your marbles in the library loud (they have never been in my library - ha!)
Ants loud (pictures a little girl animal holding an apple covered with ants...her crying!)
Both of these are very enjoyable and great discussion starters with any age. I would love to see what 5th graders could come up with to add to either book in comparison to 1st graders or kindergarteners.
Story: 5 Buckeye leaves
Illustrations: 5 Buckeye leaves
For more information about the author and illustrator:
Deborah Underwood
Renata Liwska