Sunday, March 20, 2011

Six Sheep Sip Thick Shakes....

Say that 6 times fast!! Brian P. Cleary is out with another book and this time he is tackling TONGUE TWISTERS! Each page of the book is a stand alone tongue twister. Older kids, the ones I am always struggling to find things to do with, will enjoy the challenge of reciting these tongue twisters. I enjoy Brian P. Cleary's other books - mostly focused on parts of speech as well as other language skills, which are always hard to find things to use to teach them, much less FUNNY book.

Story: 5 Buckeye leaves (fun and something NEW)
Illustrations: 4 Buckeye leaves

Update: The kids loved it....granted it was 4th and 5th graders but I bet the younger ones would enjoy it as well!

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