Sunday, April 17, 2011

My Mom Has X-Ray Vision by Angela McAllister

You can't judge a book by its cover.....but you can by the endpages!! And these endpages are FUN and set the stage for a silly book about mom's and their abilities to see things when they are not looking, not even on the same level of the house!! Matthew is convinced his mother has special x-ray vision. How else could you explain mom knowing what is happening in the bathtub upstairs when she is downstairs? How else could she know about him jumping on the bed? Matthew decides to sets up a test to check out his theory, which fails. Maybe she does not have x-ray vision....maybe it is something else...

And for the record, there are sometimes you can judge a book by its cover!!

Story: 5 Buckeye leaves - FUN!!!!
Illustrations: 5 Buckeye leaves - Have I mentioned....FUN!! Kids will love the illustrations....

1 comment:

tiger tales said...

Hi Beth,

Just found your post about "My Mom Has X-Ray Vision." We're so glad you've enjoyed it! We posted a link to your review on our Facebook Fan Page. Come visit us.

Happy reading,
Elisabeth Prial
tiger tales