Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Pirate Boy by Eve Bunting

I am a day late...this would have been perfect for Talk Like A PIrate Day BUT.....

After finishing a book about a pirate, Danny asks his mom a series of questions which seems to test her on the extent of her love for him. From riding on the back of a dolphin to fighting sea monsters and a group of pirates, Danny's mother passes all his "tests" with flying colors...now for her next test, will she follow him to the moon? This books reminds me alot of the Runaway Bunny as the mother bunny was also being tested to what she would do to find her baby. The topic of pirates will appeal alot to kids right now, especially boys. (Thank you Disney and Jake and the Neverland Pirates - I can sing the song if you like...)

Text: 3 Buckeye Leaves
Illustrations: 3 Buckeye Leaves

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