I grabbed this one quickly today off the "new" shelf at the library. When I have reserves to pick up, which is quite frequently, I try to run past and see if there are any new books that are 1. good for school OR 2. good for Adam. I try to find shorter ones for Adam for post meals at the table. We read a few, or alot depending on both our moods, after meals. This was one I knew we could read and really look at the pictures and discuss. The book starts with a red PERFECT square. From there the square is transformed into a variety of objects: fountain, river, park, etc. Since I sit diagonal from Adam when we read at the table, as opposed to at nap and bed time where I am behind him, I get to watch his reaction and watch his eyes as they move across the page. He was captivated by these pictures. He really examined the pictures, almost like he was getting ready to challenge that the picture in front of him could have been created by the original square. (I know....shocking! A 3 year challenging anything!!) This book would be good for varying levels because of what each level might take from the illustration. I can also see this book being used in the art classroom in some capacity, which I am sure any art teacher could come up with better ideas than I could, so will leave it to the experts! Fun read with the possibility for the reader to try their own response to the book through art.
Story: 4 Buckeye Leaves
Illustrations: 5 Buckeye Leaves
Note: Hall also wrote/illustrated My Heart Is Like a Zoo - another of my favorites!
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