Wednesday, May 11, 2011

My Dog Lyle by Jennifer P. Goldfinger

My Dog Lyle by Jennifer P Goldfinger is not a new book but was one I found in our library that I really liked. I have been sharing it this week with kindergarteners and 1st graders and they seem to enjoy it as well. Lyle is based on the author's own dog, Lyle, and some of the things she mentions in the story, actually happened to her dog, including they BOTH were sprayed by a skunk. Lyle is a "snuggly, smart, howling, burping, slurping, stinky-pink..." dog. What I loved about this book was the great words that she uses...and that she builds on the words to describe Lyle. What the kids liked was that Lyle sometimes wears a tutu around his neck, drinks from the toilet, and runs into glass doors, and the pictures to go with these events are even more funny! Fun read aloud!

Story: 5 Buckeye leaves
Illustrations: 5 Buckeye leaves

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