Thursday, July 14, 2011

We HEART Our School! by Judy Sierra

I am trying to decide just how many copies of this to buy for school.....I HEART this book! You know you have an addiction when you get so excited that a book comes in that you run to the car waving an adult!

Why do I love this book so much...let me count the ways.
#6 The teacher's name is Tom Burkey....he is a turkey!
#5. Rhyming!!!
#4. It is colorful! Lots of bright colors.
#3. Cute illustrations with HAPPY, non-scary characters!
#2. Shows school as a POSITIVE experience!
And the MAIN reason I like this book....the #1 reason....drum roll please.....IT IS A REBUS!!! Yippie! What does that mean? A rebus is when the word is taken out of the story and a picture is put in place of the word. I love these as the 3 year old can follow along, and insert the word, and tell me "I am reading mom!" This book is adorable. All the animal characters are headed to school. At school they do lots of fun things: ABC games, towers of blocks, art, singing, etc.

This will be front and center on all the back-to-school book displays this fall!!

Endpages: 4 Buckeye leaves
Illustrations: 5 Buckeye leaves
Text: 5 Buckeye leaves

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