I have never met the creator of this book....but she must be one of the most patient, persistent people ever. According to the author note at the back of the book, this book took more than 10 years to create. The endpages are covered with rocks in letter shapes from A to Z. "A is for addition. B is for bird. C is for couch potato." Each page is illustrated with a picture using rocks in the shape of the item and the letter from rock. Love this book....on my list of "Need to Purchase" at some point.
Text: 5 Buckeye Leaves - LOVE ABC books....this is excellent!
Illustrations: 5 Buckeye leaves
Endpages: 5 Buckeye leaves
Author/illustrator site has a great video about the book! http://www.lesliemcguirk.com/ifrockscouldsing.html
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