Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Swim! Swim! by Lerch

Everybody needs a friend!! Lerch searches high and low in his bowl for a friend but the pebbles, plastic scuba man, and bubbles, do not want to be his friend. Finally a "matchmaker" also known as a cat, decides his name is Lunch and introduces him to Dinner (or Dinah as she calls herself). Told almost entirely using speech bubbles and resembling a Sunday comic strip, Swim! Swim! Will be enjoyed by many and leave some wondering will there be a Breakfast and if so, will the cat eat them all or is he really just playing matchmaker??

Story: 4 Buckeye leaves - 2 thumbs up from the 3 year old. He cracks up the whole time you read it to him...
illustrations: 5 Buckeye leaves - I love them.

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