Thursday, May 5, 2011

Otto: The Autobiography of a Teddy Bear by Tomi ungerer

David, Oskar and Otto, the Teddy Bear with the purple splotch on his eye, are best friends until a war (World War I) tears them apart. David is sent with his family are taken away with "other people wearing yellow stars". Oskar and Otto must continue, just the two of them, until again the war steps in and separates them as well. From there Otto travels many miles and across an ocean. Told from the perspective of Otto, one of the darkest chapters of world history is told with a softer, more positive outcome, which of course I can't reveal here..... :)

Story: 5 Buckeye leaves
Illustrations: 3 Buckeye Leaves (Some of the pictures may be upsetting for younger children)

NOTE: Please preread this before sharing with your child or class. It is always a good idea but due to the content of the book, it may be especially important. I will not be sharing this book with my 3 year old now...when he hits about 3rd grade then I probably will because I think it is an excellent book just not age appropriate for him!

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