Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Duck Says Don't by Alison Ritchie

Goose is going on vacation and leaving Duck in charge of the pond.  Duck takes his responsibility very seriously....too seriously.  First Duck tells the dragonflies they may NOT race around the pond.  Dragonflies try to explain they are just flying but Duck will not listen and soon posts a sign that states:  No Racing.  Then he sees Kingfisher fishing.  He quickly informs him that he is NOT to fish and of course posts a sign.  Soon all the animals have left the pond and moved to the meadow to avoid the bossy duck.  Duck then realizes that he is lonely with all the other animals gone from the pond.  Will he be able to bring the other animals back to the pond?  A great book for teaching an important lesson about being too bossy, which many kids could benefit from.

Text:  4 Buckeye leaves
Illustrations:  4 Buckeye leaves

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