Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The Three Little Pigs and the Somewhat Bad Wolf by Mark Teague

It is the three little pigs with a twist in this funny new version of the famous story.  The book begins as the the farmer informs the three pigs that he is moving to Florida and pays them for their hard work.  The three pigs take off to build houses of ...wait for it....straw, sticks, and bricks.  It is not long before a wolf shows up and he is huffing and puffing.  By the time the wolf arrives at the brick house, which has all three pigs hiding out in, he is very hungry and exhausted.  The wolf passes out on the ground and three pigs decide to revive him and feed him dinner.  The three pigs and the wolf decide to live together in the brick house - minus the huffing and puffing.  A great retelling of the famous story with just enough twists to provide a springboard to discussions.

Text:  5 Buckeye leaves
Illustrations:  5 Buckeye leaves

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