Monday, October 17, 2011

Library Lily by Gillian Shields

This one is make its way into every library!! Lily LOVES to read....and that may be an understatement! She reads all the time...."at night under the blankets" and "in the morning when she was brushing her teeth." She reads through all the seasons and even has earned herself the nickname "Library Lily." One day Lily's mom took her to the park. After some encouragement Lily finally put her book down and (I love this) went to read some signs! Then she encounters an "upside down voice" hanging from a tree. The voice belongs to Milly. Milly thinks reading is boring! GASP! Milly much prefers playing, climbing, and exploring. Together the Milly and Lily learn what they have been missing. Lily learns to explore the great world OUT there and Milly learns that books are not boring! Great book for the Millys and the Lilys in our world! A great book about differences among children - likes and dislikes - and still be able to learn from one another.

Text: 5 Buckeye leaves
Illustrations: 4 Buckeye leaves
Endpages: 5 Buckeye leaves - Not only do I love when the endpages are used....I like it even MORE when the illustrator creates two DIFFERENT endpages - one set for the front and one set for the back!! Yeah!!!

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